Monografias Prontas - VARIOUS WORKS OF THE SAME AUTHOR: when there are several works by the same author, they must be indicated by the increasing chronological order of the year of publication, not having to repeat the author's name, just use an extension bar equivalent to six spaces, point and move to the title.
Monografias Prontas - When signed: surname in capital letters, comma, first names in lower case, except the first letter, period; name of the article, without tap, dot; name of the newspaper with griffin, as it appears in the publication, comma; place of publication, followed by comma; date of publication, including month, abbreviated point; name of the notebook where it was published, comma; and the corresponding pagination.
Monografias Prontas - When signed: surname in capital letters, comma, first names in lower case, except the first letter, period; name of the article, without tap, dot; name of the newspaper with griffin, as it appears in the publication, comma; place of publication, followed by comma; date of publication, including month, abbreviated point; name of the notebook where it was published, comma; and the corresponding pagination.
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